Golden Rules for Partnership

An Icelandic who is 21 years older than me. He is from a completely different culture, language, background and generation from me. And his profession is a wizard.

That is my husband.

We are different in so many ways, but I could also say, because of that, I am who I am now, created by the life I have spent with him.

My husband is a little mysterious person who has lived a life of a fantasy movie or novel, like Harry Potter. Being a martial artist, poet, entrepreneur, movie actor, DJ, dancer, and TV/movie producer, his life where he has made his dreams come true one after another, like magick, has inspired me to get to know who I really am and express my passion.

He is my husband, lover, friend, business partner…he is my partner in all parts of my life.

From more than 10 years of period we have spent together, I would like to introduce to you the “Golden Rules of Love“ that we have nurtured and practiced.

1. Both need to be awake to their Godhood and Goddesshood.

At the beginning when we just got married, we were going through a hard time because of our differences. However, in getting over those hardships one by one, we started to realize that it was not because of our differences. It was because I was not aware of my self-worth and dignity(nobility).

When I acknowledge myself as a Goddess and treat myself as such, I get treated in the same way as a Goddess. And when I feel the Goddess in myself, I feel the God in my partner as well, which fills me with gratitude and respect. To honor the divinity(nobility) in myself and my partner, I believe it is the most important basis for the Golden rule in relationships.

2. Never cease to progress.

As married couples spend their time together, our positions can shift as well. My understanding my role and my energy as a woman helped a lot not only in making our relationship better, but also developing each other’s lives.

When I changed, I saw my husband change too, and when my husband changed, I changed as well. I think our transformation shows very obviously both in our dressing way and in our environment.

Of course, when a couple spends long time together, it is normal to have every day conflicts. To be honest, we still argue with each other over trifles and there are times when we have difficulties. However, as long as I pursue who I am and continue to progress, our bond has gotten stronger naturally.

They say married couples mirror each other. Indeed I feel that we can learn a lot about ourselves through relationships.

3. Keep the flame of passion alive, always. 

Unexpected presents or words of love expressed in words. Romantic date with just two of us dressed up. Sensual nights we spend together with scented candles. Take in the essence and surprise to attract/seduce your love even in your daily dressing way…

It is really important for a married couple to keep your romance alive every day!

My husband and I also, are always striving not to let our romance and passion fade as lovers.

One of those ways is our wedding that we do every year. We make it a rule to do a bonding ceremony every year since we got married and renew our bond. Every year it feels fresh even after many years and our bond feels deepened and strengthened.

4. Share the vision of life together.

We have always shared our visions for life together and worked toward them. I am sure this has been a big driving force for our relationship. Even though we have different ways or approaches, we still see the same world. I feel that is also what makes it meaningful and appreciative for us to be together.

We always talk about our visions of the world each of us dream of. It is really exciting to talk about our ideal future. And we have the strength to be able to support each other in the effort for making our dreams come true.

I am very grateful from the bottom of my heart to my partner for walking with me in the adventure called life.

5. This relationship is the foundation for all things in life.

Our world, our kingdom. We have to look at what the foundation for it actually is if we want to create them in a real sense.

That is what has been taught in metaphysics since ancient times.

And for me it is definitely this relationship with my husband that is the foundation of all things in my life. We have a different world from each other, pursuing different things in life, however we both have put our feet on the foundation of our relationship.

I believe, that if that foundation is strong enough, things in other areas in life will go well as well, for there is an absolute safety and peace of mind there.

We don’t have to put the style of relationship in a box. I believe that couples can create their own style that works for them freely, but that is if their relationship is rooted in a strong foundation. A partnership where we can find joy and bring joy to each other is one that gives us an unwavering foundation and freedom.